Halloween Safety



Please Observe...

Safety Rules!

The joy and excitement surrounding a special event, such as Halloween, can suddenly turn to sorrow and misfortune through one careless act. The incidence of fire, accident and injury often increases during holidays and festive events. Each year we witness accidents on Halloween which could have been prevented had simple safety rules been followed. Among the high-risk activities on Halloween, trick-or-treating is of greatest concern to Fire Department personnel. Often there are safe alternatives to the practice of trick-or-treating which can be fun and also risk-free. Local churches and schools may plan Halloween parties, or families may group together and conduct games and activities to encourage young children to participate instead of trick-or-treating in dangerous neighborhoods or along busy streets.

For those that plan to venture out trick-or-treating, the Ashland Fire Department would like to offer the following safety tips so that all might enjoy a happy Halloween:

  • Costumes should be made of flame resistant light-colored fabric or have reflective qualities. They should be short enough so as not to interfere with walking or become entangled in bicycle chains. Use facial makeup rather than masks so children can see easily.
  • Children should carry flashlights and not use candles or torches. Before leaving the home, children should discuss the proposed route, time of return and companions. Younger children should always be accompanied by an adult. It is advisable to visit only the homes of persons you know, or travel in local, familiar neighborhoods and stop at well-lit houses. As a general rule, children should avoid entering homes or apartments and always travel with a companion.
  • Children should avoid busy streets, always use sidewalks, and follow all traffic rules and regulations. Motorists should avoid all unnecessary travel on Halloween evening, and when driving they should drive slowly and be alert to small children crossing streets. Many accidents occur when motorists are backing vehicles out of driveways, unaware of the presence of small children.
  • Halloween treats should be saved until children return home, where adults can examine all items closely. Treats which are unwrapped or show signs of having been opened should not be eaten. Fruit should be sliced into small pieces and checked for foreign objects. Keep small pieces of candy away from infants and very small children. They can easily become lodged in the throat and cause choking.
  • Persons receiving trick-or-treaters should keep a light on and pick up obstacles over which a child may trip and become injured. Candlelit jack-o-lanterns should be kept clear of doorsteps and landings. Consider the possibility of using flashlights instead of candles to light jack-o-lanterns. Keep dogs and other pets away from doors so children will not become frightened.

The Nocona Volunteer Fire Department
wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween!



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Last modified: October 30, 1999