Fire Prevention
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October is Fire Prevention Month

We visit several area schools and daycare centers in full bunker gear with information for kids about how to protect themselves in a potentially dangerous situation. We, in conjunction with First American Bank, provide useful take-home materials, as well. 

The Nocona Volunteer Fire Department feel it is necessary for children to touch and see real firemen in real uniforms to fully understand. It is important for children to realize that even though firemen look scary, they are really there to help.

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 Bobby Fenoglio and Mark Linn answer questions from the students.

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The firemen allow the children to be near a real fireman...

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...which can be scary but the firemen want you to know how they really look...

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...and sound, so you won't be afraid in an emergency.

FP2000d.jpg (68867 bytes) The kids get to see a real fire truck and ambulance and see how they work. FP2000e.jpg (81929 bytes) A fireman explains all about the Jaws of Life!

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